Old US

50 Found Photos That Capture Everyday Life of Canada From the Early 20th Century

These found photos from gt_hawk63 that show how everyday life of Canada (mostly Ontario) looked like from over 100 years ago.

Three yong women at the river

Through a sea of grain


Two Canadian men after harvesting, Culloden, Ontario


Two farm girls in Culloden, Ontario


Two horses, two men and one wagon


Wheels and the man


A boy and his car


A happy day, London, Ontario


A man, a boy, and a buggy


A stern-wheeler, Dundas, Ontario


Boy riding on his bicycle, Culloden, Ontario


Buzzing firewood


Canoes at the boathouse on the lake, possibly from the Muskokas or Lake Simcoe


Crossing on the ferry


Down on the farm, somewhere in Toronto


Farm girls in Culloden, Ontario


Feeding the ducks at home, possibly in Goderich or Blyth area of Huron County, Ontario,


Four horse hitch and binder


Frank Hyde’s Drug Store, probably in Woodstock, Ontario


George’s wagon


Heffron’s Meat Market and the office of Thomas Code, Blyth, Ontario


Horse and buggy days


Horses and men, probably father and son


Lunenburg dockside


Merry men in Sarnia, Ontario


Mother and daughter pose in front of their automobile


Office work


On the job


On the rocks


Parade in Sarnia, Ontario


Prairie prosperity, Dundas, Ontario


Railway through town


Raising the roof, somewhere in Southwestern Ontario


Rock and read


Seven men and a log cabin


Straight home young man


Summer idyll


Taking a break, Woodstock, Ontario


Taking a break


The brick makers


The division of labour, somewhere in Southern Ontario


The farm family on holiday, probably Northern Ontario or the West


The homeowners, somewhere in Southern Ontario


The picnic


The plow jockey


The shanty in the bush


The Vienna Band, Vienna, Ontario


Three couples in a cart, possibly in Goderich or Blyth area of Huron County, Ontario


Three men and a child


Three men in a buggy, probably father and sons


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