Month: August 2024

Keir Starmer has dealt hammer-blow to pubs already clinging on by a thread

After years of challenges, our pubs are already clinging on by a thread. The latest leaked reports that the Government may ban smoking outdoors would be another nail in the coffin. The 2006 indoor smoking ban helped contribute to the vast number…

Jess Phillips sparks furious backlash over claim she got quicker NHS care over Gaza vote

Jess Phillips has reportedly claimed she received “quicker” NHS care because she voted in favour of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The Labour minister is said to have suggested her stance on the conflict with Israel had helped speed up her care…

Harrowing tax scandal Keir Starmer must act on now before more lives are ruined

This week I chaired a harrowing meeting in Parliament, listening to testimony from eight victims of the Loan Charge. This refers to a retrospective tax applied to close down and recover money from people – largely the self-employed – who…

ERG chairman Mark Francois backs Robert Jenrick in Tory leadership race

It is barely two months since the Conservative Party suffered the worst defeat in our Parliamentary history. As a result, next Wednesday, the 121 surviving Conservative MPs will commence the process of voting to select a new Leader, to hopefully…

‘He’s insecure!’ Art critic savages Keir Starmer over removal of Thatcher portrait

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has been branded “weak and insecure” after he took down a portrait of Margaret Thatcher in Number 10 Downing Street. The Labour leader’s biographer, Tom Baldwin, has said that the Prime Minister removed the portrait because he found it “unsettling.”…

Synagoga Wielka w Katowicach – zabytek, którego już nie ma. Była jednym z najbardziej charakterystycznych budynków miasta ARCHIWALNE ZDJĘCIA

                 Wielka Synagoga w Katowicach Synagoga Wielka znajdowała się przy dawnej August-Schneiderstraße, w centrum Katowic. Miejsce, obecnie znane już tylko z widokówek zostało podpalone w 1939 roku. Jej historia ciągnie się jednak do…

Przedwojenne samochody i motocykle

                           Zabytkowe samochody i motocykle w Suwałkach Wystarczyło kilka kilometrów za kierownicą samochodu lub motocykla, aby zrozumieć, że ów pojazd to nie bezduszna maszyna i zwykły środek transportu,…

London in 1979 Through Fascinating Photos

Video- Seemore: London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. The city stands on the River Thames in the south-east of England, at the head of its 50-mile (80 km) estuary leading to the North…

14 Historical Photos That Show the Evolution of Television From the 1920s Through the 1970s

Despite its status as a device that defines the modern age, the television has its roots in the 19th century, when scientists found ways to transmit images and sound. Even the word “television,” combining Greek and Latin roots to mean…

A photographic historical look at the sexy stewardesses of the 1960s-1980s

Pacific Southwest Airlines employee in mini-skirts and go-go boots. The flight attendant occupation took permanent shape in the 1930s as “women’s work,” that is, work not only predominately performed by women but also defined as embodying white, middle-class ideals of…