Month: September 2024

Hotpants of the 1960s and 1970s-NP

Hotpants, or booty shorts describe extremely short shorts, which may be worn by women and, to a lesser extent, by men. Whilst the term “hotpants” is used generically to describe extremely short shorts, similar garments had been worn since the…

Taste of a Decade: A Glimpse Inside American Restaurants and Cafeterias in the 1940s

During the war (1941-1945) the creation of 17 million new jobs finally pulls the economy out of the Depression. Millions of married women enter the labor force. The demand for restaurant meals escalates, increasing from a pre-war level of 20…

38 Fascinating Vintage Photographs That Capture Kids Finding Fun on the Streets in Postwar London Rubble

In the summer of 1954, the streets of London were overrun with rambunctious kids enjoying their time off from school. Photographer Thurston Hopkins took note of the chaos and followed along with several gangs of hyperactive moppets, snapping shots as…

15 incredibili fotografie vintage catturano la vita quotidiana dell’Italia nei primi anni ’30 – TS

Queste sono incredibili foto vintage scattate dal fotografo svedese Berit Wallenberg che hanno documentato la vita quotidiana dell’Italia nel 1932. Persone alla Chiesa di San Martino, Tarquinia, Italia   Chiesa di San Maurizio, Milano, Italia   Canale di Murano, Venezia,…

Rocznica wprowadzenia kartek na mięso. Reglamentowane towary w PRL

Pamiętacie kartki na mięso i inne towary? Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe W 1981 r. władze PRL wprowadziły kartki na mięso i jego przetwory. Taki system obowiązywał do 1989 r. żródło: 28 lutego przypada kolejna rocznica wprowadzenia w Polsce reglamentowanej sprzedaży mięsa…

Emma Watson Shines in a Stylish Bralette at the Valentino Couture Show with Princess Maria Olympia and Crown Princess Marie Chantal of

Written by Tania Willis and Jason Chester, this article was originally published on July 9, 2014, and updated on July 10, 2014. Check out the video below for more information. Emma Watson attends the Valentino show alongside Princess Maria Olympia…

Wydarzenia Marca 1968 w Warszawie – część 2 (zdjęcia SB). Sygnatura tematu w systemie ZEUS: IPNBU-3-19-1.

Wydarzenia w marcu 1968 r. w Gdańsku, Katowicach i Krakowie. Zdjęcia operacyjne SB, Marzec 1968 r. w Warszawie, Krakowskie Przedmieście Zdjęcia operacyjne SB, Marzec 1968 r. w Warszawie Zdjęcia operacyjne SB, Marzec 1968 r. w Warszawie, Krakowskie Przedmieście Zdjęcia operacyjne…

Emma Watson Stuns in Casual Chic as She Touches Down in New

She has receпtly come υпder fire after aп old advertisiпg campaigп she starred iп for a skiп-lighteпiпg prodυct by Laпcome resυrfaced last week. Aпd Emma Watsoп appeared to be takiпg the fυrore iп her stride as she was pictυred arriviпg iпto New…

Album fotograficzny polskich pilotów, którzy latali w Bitwie o Anglię, 1940-1943

                                             The Polish Pilots of the Battle of Britain Album fotograficzny polskich pilotów, którzy latali w Bitwie o Anglię,…

23 Vintage Pictures of Old Los Angeles Restaurants With Wacky Shapes

We’re used to seeing swanky rooftop restaurants and bars, taco stands and outdoor patios decorated with lights in Los Angeles. But back in the day we had restaurants and food stands that took architecture to the next level, with wacky…