Old UK

45 Black and White Photos of HMV Shop in Oxford Street, London in the 1950s _ UK

Procession in celebration of the crowning of Queen Elizabeth, 2nd 1953
Christmas 1956
Interior of store, 1958
Shop floor, 1958
Household appliance section on lower ground floor, 1950s
Left to right: Mr. Mittell, Anatole Fistoulari, Mr. L.J.brown, Mr Emery and Mr Lockwood
Exterior of store at Christmas time, 1950s
Entertainer Eddie Fisher at the launch of the ‘Stage And Screen Department’ 1950s
TV department, 1950s
Customers at listening posts, late 1950s
View down the spiral staircase, 1950s
1st Floor electrical appliances, late 1950s
Red Counter, 1950s
Long Playing Records display, 1950s
2nd Floor Personal export deaprtment and Classical – late 1950s
Shoppers in the specialist music department, mid 1950s
Vocal pops department, 1950s
Unknown people, 1950s
Customer using listening post, 1950s
Customers browsing, 1950s
Green counter, 1950s
Store exterior at night, 1950s
Ground floor – late 1950s
Lower ground floor electrical appliances – refrigerator demonstration, 1950s
Radio department, 1950s
Ground floor catalogue refernce area, sales counter and accounts office, late 1950s
Counter for 12 Records, 1950s
Ground floor listening posts, 1950s
New browsers, 1950s
Radio exhibition display, 1950s
E.M.I. Record Sales Training Centre – Couse Serial No21, 1950s
Ground floor Cosmopolitan Corner and Stage And Screen Departmant, mid 1950s
Cosmpolitan Corner, late 1950s
Blender demonstration, 1950s
Bowsers and listening post in store, 1950s
Central Records Information Bureau, 1950s
Customer browsing records, 1950s
Delivery van, 1950s
Listening booths, 1950s
Customers using listening booths, 1950s
Customers using listening posts, 1950s
Vinyl stockroom, 1950s
Personal recording department, 1950s
Shop floor, 1950s
TV window display, 1950s