Not all clubs at women’s colleges in North Carolina were highly formal organizations. Many were formed to connect students with similar interests, to connect students from the same state, or purely in pursuit of fun.
How would you like to have been a member of the Bandanna Gang at Salem College in 1907? Or the Blue Ridge Boomers at Baptist Female Seminary (now Meredith College) in 1904?
Take a look at these photos of clubs at North Carolina women’s colleges in the early 20th century from North Carolina Digital Heritage Center, and make your choice.
Dramatic Club, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Blue Ridge Boomers, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Chafing Dish Club, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Long Bones Club, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Mozart Club, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Red Headed Brigade, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
Sigma Phi Sigma, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
The Sand Fiddlers, Baptist Female University, 1904 |
The Round Dozen, Littleton College, 1906 |
Florida Club, Salem College, 1907 |
Georgia Crackers, Salem College, 1907 |
Maryland Club, Salem College, 1907 |
Midnight Slippers, Salem College, 1907 |
Modern Priscillas, Salem College, 1907 |
The Bandanna Gang, Salem College, 1907 |
The Tormentors, Salem College, 1907 |
Virginia Club, Salem College, 1907 |
Adams Dramatic Club, Chowan College, 1911 |
Comic Supplement, Peace Institute, 1911 |
Midnight Dream Disturbers’ Club, Chowan College, 1911 |
Rollicking Room Mates, Peace Institute, 1911 |
The D.D.C.’s, Chowan College, 1911 |
The German Club, Peace Institute, 1911 |
The Grinders, Chowan College, 1911 |
The Sewing Club, Peace Institute, 1911 |
Virginia Club, Peace Institute, 1911 |
Senior Basketball Team, Peace Institute, 1912 |
East Carolina Teachers College, 1923 |
The Committee, East Carolina Teachers College, 1923 |
Wake County Club, East Carolina Teachers College, 1923 |
Z.Z.Z. Club, East Carolina Teachers College, 1923 |
Rapunzel Club, Weaver College, 1926 |
Blonde Club, Chowan College, 1928 |
Downtown Club, Chowan College, 1928 |