
Nancy Pelosi scolds CNN host Jake Tapper live on air for bringing up wild Trump claims about Kamala Harris

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi reprimanded a CNN host in a testy exchange for mentioning recent comments about Vice President Kamala Harris’s cognitive ability.

The hot-tempered response from the San Francisco Democrat came after CNN Host Jake Tapper asked her about recent comments by former President Donald Trump.

‘Donald Trump’s saying that Kamala Harris has bigger cognitive problems than Joe Biden,’ Tapper began as he appeared poised to finish his question.

Then Pelosi abruptly cuts in: ‘Why would you even cover that?’

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi snapped at CNN Host Jake Tapper after he raised comments about her cognitive ability given by Trump

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi snapped at CNN Host Jake Tapper after he raised comments about her cognitive ability given by Trump

She immediately continued her push back on his line of questioning.

‘This is a person who’s not on the level,’ she said. ‘He is their nominee for president.’

‘He is incompetent,’ she continued.

Pelosi also said that Trump’s suggestion that Harris has ‘cognitive problems’ is a sexist attack on women.

‘Let’s not even talk about the silliness of it all and the weirdness of it all, and the assault on women that it is.’

Though Tapper seemed as though he wanted to clarify the remarks made by Trump, Pelosi immediately told him that the story was not worth CNN's coverage

Though Tapper seemed as though he wanted to clarify the remarks made by Trump, Pelosi immediately told him that the story was not worth CNN’s coverage

Tapper did not seem amused by the sharp-tongued response from the former speaker

Tapper did not seem amused by the sharp-tongued response from the former speaker

Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (C), U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler (L) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (R) applaud as U.S. Vice President and 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at the Democratic National Convention (DNC)

Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (C), U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler (L) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (R) applaud as U.S. Vice President and 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks at the Democratic National Convention (DNC)

Trump’s comment that earned Tapper the scorn of Pelosi came as the former president campaigned in Georgia on Tuesday.

‘All over the world they’re laughing at us,’ the ex-president said during the rally. ‘You know what they’re really laughing at? Kamala.’

‘They can’t believe that she’s really going to be president.’

‘You talk about cognitive problems? She has bigger cognitive problems than he has in my opinion.’

During his remarks he did not note specifically what he believed made Harris’s mental state worse than Biden.

Trump called into question Harris's mental ability at a campaign event on Tuesday

Trump called into question Harris’s mental ability at a campaign event on Tuesday

Trump has, however, ridiculed Biden for being too old for office, a line of attack that grew in credibility earlier this year when the Department of Justice determined Biden appears ‘elderly’ and has a ‘poor memory.’

Now that Biden is out of the race though, Democrats have since claimed Trump is too old and has too diminished of a mental state to serve in the Oval Office.


Kamala Harris flip flops on another major issue… this time involving prostitution

Vice President Kamala Harris remains unclear about whether prostitution should be legal, as she has taken different positions on the issue throughout her career.

Harris endorsed the idea of decriminalizing prostitution during her 2020 failed presidential campaign, during an interview with The Root.

‘I think so, I do,’ she replied when asked during an interview about whether ‘sex work’ should be decriminalized.

‘When you’re talking about consenting adults, I think that, yes, we should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed.’

But its an apparent flip-flop of her position on the issue that she held nearly over a decade before.

Then-Senator Kamala Harris endorsed the idea of decriminalizing prostitution during her failed 2020 presidential primary campaign

Harris’ shift on the issue was called out people in San Francisco who recalled her position opposing a ballot initiative in the city to decriminalize prostitution.

‘I think it’s completely ridiculous, just in case there’s any ambiguity about my position,’ she said in 2008 about legalizing prostitution

She warned residents that ‘it would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes to come on into San Francisco.’

The Harris campaign has not returned a weeks-old request for comment on the issue from on the issue.

Axios also reported Tuesday that the Harris campaign refused to address it. The New York Post reported last week that the Harris campaign also declined to address the issue.

But Harris was not unsympathetic to prostitutes when she was the District Attorney of San Francisco.

In 2004, Harris refused to prosecute nine women arrested by police officers for prostitution after the police singled out strip clubs in the area for stings after receiving multiple public complaints.

Within minutes, according to reports, undercover police officers were solicited for sex acts by female employees.

‘It just leaves me in amazement,’ vice Capt. Tim Hettrich said at the time, criticizing Harris for ‘almost legalizing prostitution.’

Harris’ refusal to prosecute the women arrested for prostitution earned her a mention from Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly on his show in 2004.

San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris at a press conference

San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris at a press conference

O’Reilly brought up the story, referring to Harris as a district attorney ‘in the most liberal city in the country’ who refused to enforce the law.

‘Is there an outcry about that kind of anarchy?’ O’Reilly asked his guest, San Francisco columnist Debra Saunders who reported on the story.

Harris argued at the time that she would not prosecute the prostitutes without having the evidence to prosecute their customers.

But O’Reilly warned his viewers that the issue of legalized or decriminalized prostitution would be more of an issue.

‘Now the San Francisco syndrome, as I call it, is spreading to other towns,’ he warned, pointing out that just because certain city officials did not like the laws did not mean that they should be able to pick and choose whether to enforce it.

‘And that, of course, brings anarchy to any community,’ he concluded.


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