
Keir Starmer should put our people first — not strip a war hero of Winter Fuel Payment

Over the course of the last month, no issue has come up more times in my inbox than the government’s plan to take away the Winter Fuel Allowance.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer must put British people first, writes Nigel Farage (Image: PA)

New figures released by the ONS show 30,109 people received the winter fuel allowance in my constituency — the highest in the UK.
Research by my team in Parliament suggests that more than 25,000 pensioners could be affected locally by the Labour’s vindictive move.
I am the first to recognise there is huge pressure on public finances following years of economic mismanagement by the Conservatives and Labour (and of course there are some who can afford the cut). But you have to wonder what Starmer’s priorities are here.
The savings of £1.3bn that he is looking to make on the winter fuel payment are completely dwarfed by the £5.4bn we are spending on housing for illegal migrants. When is he going to put the British people first?
One of those affected in Clacton is Jim O’Dwyer, a brave 99-year-old WWII hero. Jim flew 31 missions as a rear gunner on a Lancaster Bomber. He is one of the many thousands in my constituency who will be stripped of the allowance, in his case because he has a small pension.
I am absolutely furious that he has been treated this way. Is this really how we should repay those who served our country? I think not. I am proud that all five Reform MPs voted against cuts to the winter fuel allowance, and on the morning of the vote in Parliament we joined MPs from across the spectrum to oppose it.
Well done to the Daily Express for launching their campaign.
My fear is that the choice between heating and eating will get even worse once pensioners are dragged into paying income tax. Age UK and Independent Age both saw an increase in calls to their helplines earlier this year. Labour must end its war on pensioners and put the British people first, and quickly.


Tory leadership hopeful Tom Tugendhat demands crackdown on prolific criminals

Tom Tugendhat

Tory leadership contestant Tom Tugendhat (Image: Getty)

Tory leadership hopeful Tom Tugendhat has called for prolific criminals to face tougher sentences.

The shadow security minister has set out plans which would block such offenders from benefiting from the early release scheme.

They would also be placed on a lifelong licence subjecting them to ongoing monitoring after being let out.

Mr Tugendhat said: “In the aftermath of the shocking riots this summer, I made it clear that criminality and lawlessness must face the full force of the law.

“As the next Conservative leader and then Prime Minister, my mission will be simple: to safeguard the happiness and prosperity of the British people. This cannot happen if communities do not feel safe or if crime goes unpunished.

“Like millions across the country, I was appalled by the sight of thousands of criminals walking free under Labour’s early release scheme, celebrating outside the prisons they had just left.

“We must not allow prolific offenders to go unpunished and roam freely on our streets.

“Under my plans, we will impose tougher sentencing and ensure that communities feel safe and supported by a greater community police presence.

“We are the party of law and order – I will act decisively and offer the leadership that delivers on these principles.”

The Tonbridge MP would also remove the maximum sentencing cap for those convicted of organised crime.

And he wants to recruit 2,000 new neighbourhood police officers and create a dedicated task force for “hot spot” policing, which would focus resources on areas with the highest concentration of crime.

It comes as Labour has come under fire for the release of thousands of prisoners after serving just 40% of their sentences.


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