
Pelosi Claims Election Against Trump Is Like American War Of Independence

Speaking on MSNBC on Thursday, August 22, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that the Democrats fighting former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election and winning in November is comparable to the fledgling United States warring with England for Independence and winning that lengthy war for independence.

Lãnh đạo lâm thời Hạ viện Mỹ yêu cầu bà Pelosi nhường lại văn phòng

That interview was with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell as the Democratic National Convention in Chicago entered its fourth and final day. Pelosi, speaking to Mitchell about the election and Trump, echoed the same remarks as many of the speakers at the DNC and emphasized the election in terms of fighting and in terms of defending “democracy” from Trump.

Beginning, Pelosi quoted Thomas Paine in an attempt to portray Trump as a dire threat to America’s future, saying, “We have to defeat a person who is a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen. At the beginning of our country, Thomas Paine said ‘The times have found us — declare war, establish a new nation.’ Abraham Lincoln took up that charge to keep our country together years later, decades later.”

Continuing, she insisted that such rhetoric and thoughts about America’s 2024 election in terms of the War for Independence and the United States Civil War, arguing that those wars saved “our democracy” and that this election is much the same. She said, “And now the times have found us to save our democracy. That is what we are here to do.”

Watch Pelosi here:

This isn’t the first time Pelosi has used Thomas Paine in an attempt to attack Donald Trump. Doing so in a 2019 interview, she said, “In the darkest hours of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine wrote: “The times have found us.” The times have found us today to fight for our democracy. We owe it to our children; we owe it to the generations of Americans who have fought and died to defend this country.”

Watch that here:

Trump, attacking Harris on Truth Social and characterizing her as another do-nothing politician, said, “She’s done nothing for three and a half years but talk, and that’s what she’s doing tonight, she’s complaining about everything but doing nothing! She should leave the Speech right now, go to Washington, D.C., close the Border, allow fracking in Pennsylvania and other places, and start doing the things she’s complaining about aren’t done!”

He continued, in another post, attacking her for not caring about the crime wave that’s making much of America a living hell for residents of crime-stricken areas. He said, “She talks about Compassion, but doesn’t talk about all of the people she’s allowed into our Country, 43% INCREASE IN VIOLENT CRIME NATIONWIDE, 60% INCREASE IN RAPE, SINCE SHE’S BEEN BORDER CZAR. CRIME HAS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF. SHE CHEATED ON JOBS, 818,000, TO MAKE OUR COUNTRY LOOK LIKE IT’S THRIVING. INFLATION IS KILLING US!”

Nancy Pelosi: if she ran for president, she'd beat Trump (opinion) | CNN

On much the same note, Trump argued that Harris seems to care about other borders but not America’s, saying, “She talks about other Countries’ Borders, but nothing about our Borders!” and that she stands for incompetence in America, saying, “She stands for Incompetence and Weakness – Our Country is being laughed at all over the World!”


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