Old US

40 Snaps That Show Women From the 1950s Were Cooler Than We Knew _ US

These snapshots show that women from the 1950s were so cool. Women From the 1950s Were Cooler Than We Knew Women From the 1950s Were Cooler Than We Knew Women From the 1950s Were Cooler Than We Knew Women From…

Vintage Photos of Girls in Mini Skirts on Bikes _ US

Short skirts have existed for a long time before they made it into mainstream fashion, though they were generally not called “mini” until they became a fashion trend in the 1960s. In the early 20th century, the dancer Josephine Baker’s…

25 Fascinating Vintage Photographs of Children Celebrate Halloween in the 1950s _ US

Halloween is not exactly a typical holiday. Other holidays, like Christmas and Shavuot, celebrate an event. Halloween celebrates a lot of things, including the lives of people who aren’t with us anymore. Halloween in the 1950s was a far different…

35 Wonderful Photos Show What Life of the US Looked Like in the 1960s _ US

The 1960s was a decade when hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans gave new life to the nation’s democratic ideals. African Americans used sit-ins, freedom rides, and protest marches to fight segregation, poverty, and unemployment. Feminists demanded equal job opportunities…

17 Reasons to Thank God Your Hair Isn’t in the 1980s _ US

If the 1970s hairstyles were influenced by the Hippies, then 1980s hairstyles decided to kick this past decade collection and produced many hairstyles which were very funk and odd in some stylish way… 1. Because you’ll never have to style…

C.Z. Guest: One of America’s Classic Beauties and First Fashion Icon Award Winner _ US

Born 1920 as Lucy Douglas Cochrane in Boston, Massachusetts, American stage actress, author, columnist, horsewoman, fashion designer, and socialite C. Z. Guest achieved a degree of fame as a fashion icon. She was frequently seen wearing elegant designs by designers…

A Toast to the New Year With Cool Shots of Ladies Drinking in the Early 20th Century _ US

The New Year is coming! Let’s cheer it up by toasts from ladies in the early 20th century. A Toast to the New Year A Toast to the New Year A Toast to the New Year A Toast to the…

35 Vintage Photos Capture People at Parties in the 1970s _ US

The 1970s was one of the most culturally vibrant periods in American history. The decade of the 1970s was in many ways a continuation of the late 1960s with respect to social trends. The activists of the 1960s crusaded for…

Vinyles Passion: Vintage Photos Capture Teenage Record Parties in the 1950s and 1960s _ US

Before the 1950s, teenagers listened to the music of their parents, but when rock and roll came on the scene teens swarmed to it. Even though teens were able to purchase rock and roll records because they were receiving extra…

Found Snaps Defined Casual Dresses for Ladies in the Early 1960s _ US

There’s no denying that the ’60s were one of the most impactful eras in fashion. Setting the tone for modern style, the decade revolutionized womenswear with bold colors, striking cuts and a  youthful attitude. In addition to tailored skirts, women…