Old US

A Vivid Look at Gordon Parks’ Fashion Photography of a Bygone Era _ US

“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against… all sorts of social wrongs. I knew at that point I had to have a camera.” – Gordon Parks. It could be said that Gordon Parks took fashion as seriously as…

Beautiful Fashion Designs by Anne Fogarty in the 1950s _ US

Born 1919 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, American fashion designer Anne Fogarty was noted for her understated, ladylike designs that were accessible to American women on a limited income. She started out as a model in New York in 1939, working for…

50 Vintage Photos That Defined Fashion Styles of the Twenties _ US

Twenties fashion is often remembered for its glitz and glamour, though underlying this was a move toward simplicity in dress. For women, fashion had continued to change away from the extravagant and restrictive styles of the Victorian and Edwardian periods,…

29 Stunning Photos of Dancefloor Styles That Defined the ’70s Disco Fashion _ US

Disco looks began in the 1970s and was memorable for its hot pants look and Spandex tops. Shiny clinging Lycra stretch disco pants in hot strident shiny colors with stretch sequin bandeau tops were often adaptations of professional modern dance…

Wartime Fashion: 35 Beautiful Photos of Young Women in the 1940s _ US

With the start of the war and strict rationing on fabric, dresses in the 1940s became shorter. Whereas the 1930s featured dresses that went down to mid-calf, the 1940s brought them up to knee length. The war also affected the…

The Unisex Fashion Trend Started in the Early 1970s With His and Hers Matching Outfits _ US

The 1970s fashion decade was high-profile, high-octane, glamorous, and unforgettable. Inspired by the flower-power movement and retro-futurist nerdish aesthetics, 1970s fashion looks are a world apart. The 1970s meant hippies, disco queens, rockers, punks, and retro nerds, beautifully captured by…

45 Cool Photos Defined the 1940s Teenage’s Fashions _ US

The term ‘teenager’ was coined in 1941, and Seventeen magazine printed its first issue in 1944, showing off young teenager-targeted clothing and interests. It was a new market, one that was somewhere between girls and college-age young women. Teenagers were obsessed with…

Fishnet Stockings: The Favorite Fashion Style of the 1950s and 1960s Classic Beauties _US

Many say the fishnets began in the early 1900s with the showgirls of the famous Moulin Rouge but most images of women from the time highlighted adorned black stockings, not fishnets. 1950s and 1960s classic beauties in their fishet stockings…

Bizarre and interesting vintage inventions from the past, 1920s-1970s _ US

These photos show bizarre vintage inventions that quite often never caught on, but sometimes, they actually did. The weird inventions demonstrate ingenious efforts from the first half of the 20th century (and later) that helped people manage the pressures of…

38 Stunning Color Photos of Tina Louise in the 1960s _ US

Born 1934 in New York City, American actress and singer Tina Louise began her career on stage during the mid-1950s, before landing her breakthrough role in 1958 drama film God’s Little Acre for which she received Golden Globe Award for New Star…