25 Amazing Photographs Documented Everyday Life at the “Alcoholic Haven” Sammy’s Bowery Follies in the 1940s _ US
In 1944, LIFE magazine described Sammy’s Bowery Follies as an “alcoholic haven.” The part-local dive, part-tourist trap always drew a huge mixed crowd. It was opened in 1934 at 267 Bowery (between East Houston and Stanton Streets) by Sammy Fuchs, who branded…
Watch Wing Walker Gladys Ingle Changing a Wheel in Mid-Air, 1926 _ US
In 1926, Gladys Ingle was filmed changing planes in mid-air to replace a lost wheel on Art Goebel’s aircraft (Jan 1926). The aircraft are Curtiss JN-4 biplanes. Ingle is seen with a tire strapped to her back going up on…
25 Glamorous Photos of 1920s American Beauty Queens _ US
Beauty contests became more popular in the 1880s. In 1888, the title of ‘beauty queen’ was awarded to an 18-year-old Creole contestant at a pageant in Spa, Belgium. … 1920s American beauty queens Beauty contests came to be considered more…
Did You Know: In the 1920s, Police Could Arrest Women for Exposing Their Legs in One Piece Bathing Suits? _ US
Young women in these photographs below are being arrested for exposing their legs in one-piece bathing suits, which was forbidden by ordinances in many U.S. communities in the 1920s. These women were probably either fined or released soon after arrest…
32 Amazing Vintage Photographs of Roller Derby Skaters in Chicago From Between the 1930s and 1960s _ US
The term “roller derby” dates back to the 1920s and originally described roller skate races with both men and women competing. In the mid 1930s, Chicago sports promoter Leo Seltzer created a touring competition, the Transcontinental Roller Derby, which began to…
Hilarious Vintage Snapshots That Show Life Was So Simple and Fun Back Then _ US
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, these hastily taken snapshots from snapshotsx will give you a glimpse of the simple and fun life of the first half of the 20th century. Girl power, 1900s Man Wanted – Not Married, 1900s Umbrella Rock on Lookout…
26 Color Vintage Photos of Sebring Classic Car Show in 1958 _ US
The classic car exhibition includes famous brands such as Ford, Bentley, Mercedes,… in Sebring, Florida in 1958.
Vintage Lifeguard Fashion: 33 Interesting Photos of Lifesavers in Their Costumes Through the Years _ US
These are what vintage beach lifeguards looked like in the past. Women lifeguard team at Venice beach, Los Angeles in the 1920s A female lifeguard is showing a boy how to dive in the 8 foot deep end of the…
Charming Photos of Beauty Queens of the 1920s Have Been Brought to Life in Vivid Color for the First Time _ US
These stunning images of 1920s beauty queens reveal how ideas of beauty have changed – and how they haven’t – in the last 100 years. The photographs were colorized by Irish artist Matt Loughrey of My Colorful Past. “I think…
How We Came to Play: Pictures of Kids Enjoy Dangerous Playgrounds in the Early 20th Century _ US
On warm spring evenings, blustery fall afternoons, and sticky summer days, when nostalgia and memories brush past you, where does your mind go? Where did you spend many hours as a school-age child? For most of us it was a…