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Comment la France d’autrefois a-t-elle conservé son charme intemporel? Plongez dans la beauté classique d’une époque révolue dès maintenant!.sn

La France, avec son histoire riche et sa culture foisonnante, éveille en nous une profonde nostalgie pour des époques dorées.

Les anciennes rues pavées, les châteaux majestueux et les paysages ruraux paisibles ne sont pas seulement des témoins d’une France classique, mais ils racontent aussi l’histoire d’une culture éclatante qui a traversé les siècles. La mode d’autrefois, renommée pour son élégance et son raffinement, allait des robes volumineuses des aristocrates aux tenues sophistiquées de l’élite, illustrant un style et une grâce incomparables.

La vie quotidienne à cette époque était également empreinte de charme, avec ses bals somptueux, ses cafés traditionnels et ses marchés animés, offrant un tableau vivant d’une France pleine de nostalgie et de grandeur. Venez découvrir et vous plonger dans la beauté légendaire de la France d’antan, où le temps semble s’arrêter pour vous offrir des instants remplis de souvenirs précieux.


Street musicians, 1898. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Street paver, 1899. (Eugène Atget/Library of Congress)


Rag picker, 1899. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)


Rue De La Montagne. (Eugène Atget/Los Angeles County Museum of Art)


Rue des Nonnains d’Hyères, 1900. (Eugène Atget/Institut Valencia d’Art Modern)


Corner of the rue de Seine and the rue de l’Echaudé. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)


Boulevard de Strasbourg, 1910. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Rag pickers, Porte d’Ivry, c.1910. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Metalworker’s Shop, passage de la Réunion, 1911. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)


A horse butcher, Rue Christine, c. 1920. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)


Eugénie Buffet, c.1920. (Eugène Atget/Wikimedia Commons)


Rue de l’Hotel de Ville, 1921. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)


La Villette, a sex worker in 1921. (Eugène Atget/Wikimedia Commons)


La Villette, rue Asselin, a sex worker on her shift in front of her door, 1921. (Eugène Atget/Musée d’Orsay)


Cour de Rohan, 1922. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)



Three women in a doorway on rue Asselin, 1924. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)



Courtyard, 7 rue de Valence, 1922. (Eugène Atget/Metropolitan Museum of Art)



Staircase, Montmartre, 1924. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)



Storefront, avenue des Gobelins, 1925. (Eugène Atget/Getty Center)

EXPO  Paris 1900 : la première exposition universelle du XXe siècle










Female Horse-Cab Drivers in Paris





Café, Paris, 1930. (Photo by Alexander Artway)

Daisy Bar, Montmartre, Paris, 1930. (Photo by André Kertész)
Divers, Paris, 1930. (Photo by George Hoyningen-Huene)
Les Halles, Paris, 1930. (Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt)
Notre Dame de Paris after Midnight, 1930. (Photo by Brassaï)

Paris metro, 1930
Montmartre, Paris, 1932
Papa’s airplane, Paris, 1934. (Photo by Robert Doisneau)
Rainy day in Paris, 1934. (Photo by Brassaï)
The embrace, Paris, 1934. (Photo by Fred Stein)
The two brothers, Paris, 1934. (Photograph by Robert Doisneau)
Fountain, Paris, 1935. (Photo by Fred Stein)
Paris evening, 1935. (Photo by Fred Stein)
Paris street, 1935. (Photo by Gilbert de Chambertrand)
 Parisian bar, 1935. (Photo by Brassaï)
Children reading newspaper, Paris, 1936. (Photo by Fred Stein)
Les Escaliers de Montmartre, Paris, 1936. (Photo by George Brassai)
Paris, 1936. (Photo by Herbert List)
Paris, 1937. (Photo by Marianne Breslauer)
The squared circle, France, 1937. (Photo by Gaston Paris)
Paris, 1938. (Photo by Boris Lipnitzki)
Louvre, Paris, about 1939. (Photo by Nicolas Yantchevsky)





Lubov Tchernicheva, Alice Nikitina, Alexandra Danilova, Felia Doubrovska, and Serge Lifar during a production of Apollon Musagetes, 1928. (Sasha / Getty Images)



Madame Lubovska teaching students from the National American Ballet School, 1924. (Hulton Archive / Getty Images)


A performance in London, 1943. (Fred Ramage/Keystone Features / Getty Images)


A triporteurs race is shown passing under a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, January 1920. (Keystone-france / Getty)

Two Parisian women enjoy an afternoon cup of coffee, circa 1925. (Branger / Roger Viollet / Getty Images)
The Eiffel Tower is shown peeking between the Parisian back streets. (Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

Two women elegantly show off the fashions of their era. (Hulton Archive / Getty Images)
Children are seen selling lilies in the streets of Paris, 1930. (Anonym / IMAGNO/Austrian Archives (S))

A couple enjoys a nice bottle of wine and a breathtaking view from the Eiffel Tower in 1928. (Keystone-france / Albert)
A women sits comfortably in 1925 fashions: a jumper suit with contrasting trim, worn with a cloche hat with turned back brim. (Seeberger Freres / Getty Images)
The Eiffel Tower as seen from the Trocadéro, circa 1925. (Seeberger Freres / Getty Images)
Mlle Marie Simonne is seen with her friends after winning the “Pearly Queen of Paris” beauty pageant, August 1926. (Fox Photos / Getty Images)
Cycling up the Champs Elysees are the nearly 160 competitors of the Tour de France in June, 1926. (Topical Press Agency / Getty Images)
An ice-cream vendor selling sodas and sweets to children on the city streets, 1925. (Harlingue / Getty Images)
American publisher Sylvia Beach stands in the doorway of her bookshop “Shakespeare & Company”, during the 1920s. The shop gained recognition for being run by the only person willing to publish James Joyce’s Ulysses in the English language and was regarded as a haven for American expatriates during the 1920s and 1930s. (Hulton Archive / Getty Images)
A crowded bar is shown at La Boule Blanche, a much-frequented Paris nightclub of the era. (Sasha / Getty Images)
Patrons have a drink and take a swim at the Champs Elysees Lido in Paris, circa 1925. (Henry Guttmann / Getty Images)
A group of women celebrate a réveillon in Paris, circa 1925. A réveillon is a dinner party preceding Christmas and New Year, at which luxury foods and wines are often served. (Fpg / Getty Images)
Members of the “Friday The Thirteenth Club” walk under a ladder in single file line at a meeting in a Paris bar. The club met every Friday 13th to do everything that superstitious people traditionally avoid. (Keystone / Getty Images)
A Parisian bar is shown bustling after dark. (Keystone / Getty Images)
“The Hoffman Girls” pose for a picture backstage before appearing at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, February 1924. (Topical Press Agency / Getty Images)
Gardeners taking care of a tulip field in front of the Carrousel du Louvre, in spring 1929. (Keystone-france / Getty Images)

A little girl hands a posy of lilies to a police officer on duty at the Porte Saint-Denis in Paris, circa 1920. (Fpg / Getty Images)

Pont d’Iéna, Paris, 1930s.

Le Normandy, Paris, 1935.

La Place Blanche, Paris, 1930.


Les Quais, Paris, 1935.
Ragpickers, Paris, 1935.

Eiffel Tower, Paris,  1935.

Les Princes, Paris, 1935.
Moulin Rouge, Paris, 1935.
Ménilmontant, Paris, 1935.
Street sweeper on rue Visconti, Paris, 1935.
Clochard Unijambiste, 1935.
Arrival in New York on the Normandie 1, 1935.
Stalingrad metro station, 1936.
Jaurès metro station, Paris, 1936.
Les 6 jours au Vel’d’Hiv, Paris, 1936.
Canal Saint-Martin, Paris, 1936.
Taking the subway, Paris, 1941.
Bicycle taxi at the Louvre, Paris, 1943.

“Le Monocle” – Special lesbians cabaret in Montmartre. Paris, 1930. Photo by Albert Harlingue.
Swimming lessons, 1930. Photo by François Kollar
The brooms seller in Montmartre, Paris, 1933. Photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris, ca. 1930. Photo by André Kertész.

Greta Garbo Poster by Ilse Bing, Paris 1932.
The flying car, France, 1930.
Frontier mine potash in Alsace in Mulhouse: the photo shows the room of ultraviolet rays for children. 1935.
Place de la Nation, Paris, 1930.
Cheese seller with his goats, Paris, 1930.
Hawker muget, Parvis of Notre-Dame, Nice, May 1, 1936. Photo by Paul Louis.
Hawker muget, Parvis of Notre-Dame, Nice, May 1, 1936. Photo by Paul Louis.
The flower seller in Paris, 1932. Photo by André Kertész.
City de Refuge designed by Le Corbusier, Paris, 1933.
The Man in the Boater, 1932. Photo by Brassaï.
Pablo Picasso and Tériade in front of the sculpture studio at his home in Boisgeloup, 1932. Photo by Brassaï.
Evening at the Monocle, ca. 1932. Photo by Brassaï.
A Morris column in the fog, Avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, 1934. Photo by Brassaï .
Horticultural Exposition in Cours la Reine, Paris, 1932.
Employees, Toulouse, 1930. Photo by J. Saludas.
Renée au Palm Beach, Cannes, 1931. Photo by Jacques Henri Lartigue.
Paris, ca. 1930. Photo by J-E Auclair.
Edith Piaf in a Parisian cafe, ca. 1936. Photo by Jean-Gabriel Séruzier.
Bistro, Paris, 1930. Photo by André Kertész.
Snowman in the Buttes Chaumont, February 22, 1933.
Bathing suit, Trouville, ca. 1930.
Kitchen, Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris, ca. 1930.
Apprentices are having fun with the snow in the Buttes Chaumont, February 21, 1933.
Paris in the morning, 1935. Photo by Fred Stein.

The Lido, Paris, ca. 1930. Photo by B. M. Bernand.

Paris Evening, 1934

Cobblestones, 1936
Le Gaz, 1935
Notre Dame, 1938
Crab Seller, 1935

Grandmothers, 1934
Electricians, 1934
Window Painters, 1935
Marching Shadows, 1938
Street Crossing, 1935
Swing, 1934
Wheelbarrow, 1936
Cafe, 1935
Metro, 1936
Renovation, 1934
Paris Jewish Quarter, 1935
Grands Boulevards, 1937
Cinzano, 1937
Streetcorner, 1934
Cameraman, 1935
Boy Leaning Against Wall, 1937
Jewish Quarter Antwerp, 1937
Photographer, 1935
Flea Market, 1936
Man with Bread, 1937
Reading in Grass, 1936
Knitting, 1933
Fountain, 1935
Selling Flowers, 1935
Fishing, 1930
Children Reading the Newspaper, 1936
Le Flic, Paris 1937
Embrace, 1934
Hobo, 1935
Hole in Fence, 1936
Water Fountain, 1934
Popular Front, 1936
Circle Game, 1936
Newsprint, 1934
Boys Fishing, 1936
Flower Vendor, 1935
Big Ball, 1936
Boy with Violin, 1935
Vendor, 1937
Chez, 1934
Old Man With Cane, 1936
Child on Steps, 1935
Sprayer, 1938
Woman at Window, 1933

Doll Man, 1938


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