
Donald Trump plans to visit Springfield, Ohio, amid baseless pet eating claims

Donald Trump has announced his plans to visit the city at the heart of unfounded claims about migrants consuming pets.

Republican Presidential Nominee Former President Donald Trump Hosts A Town Hall In Flint, Michigan

Trump spread baseless claims of Haitians eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. (Image: Getty)

This move comes as he aims to keep immigration central to the election discourse.

During a rally in Long Island, Trump hinted at his upcoming visit to Springfield, Ohio, much to the amusement of his supporters who chanted “save the cats.”

“You may never see me again,” he quipped, adding, “But that’s OK, you gotta do what you gotta do.”

Baseless rumors have been circulating online for weeks about Haitian migrants in Springfield allegedly eating cats and other pets.

Donald Trump Makes Campaign Stop In North Carolina

Trump’s running mate JD Vance also spread the unfounded claims. (Image: Getty)

These rumors gained traction when Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, propagated an unverified claim about migrants preying on cats.

Local authorities have since debunked these claims, revealing that they originated from a report about a missing cat that was later found safe.

Despite this, Vance defended his actions, arguing that these stories underscore the challenges faced by communities like Springfield due to an influx of newcomers.

Trump announced plans to visit Aurora, California, a city that has been subject to similar unfounded claims about Venezuelan gangs.

This is all part of his ongoing strategy to criticize Harris on border issues. He discussed the situation in New York.

“The mobs of illegal migrants are being put up in luxury hotels at your expense while our great veterans live on the freezing or steaming sidewalks right outside the main entrance to where the migrants enter the hotel,” he stated.

“We have veterans lying on the streets – squalid. And they’re seeing migrants go up to the seventeenth floor of their suite. How crazy has our country become.”

Trump declared that he will be remembered as the “border president,” while “Kamala will be known as your invasion president.”


JD Vance deleted 2012 blog post slamming GOP for being ‘openly hostile to non-whites’

Donald Trump Makes Campaign Stop In North Carolina

JD Vance previously denounced the Republican Party for scapegoating immigrations (Image: Getty)

Before JD Vance first ran for office as a Republican in 2022 and embraced Donald Trump and his right-wing populism, he expressed staunch opposition to conservative party policies.

Several former statements from the Ohio senator have resurfaced, including video of him billing himself as a “never Trump guy” who thought the former president was a “cultural heroin” and “America’s Hitler” .

Now, it has been revealed he wrote a blistering since-deleted blog post from 2012 as a 28-year-old studying at Yale Law School on the GOP’s stance on migrants and minorities.

He scolded the party for being “openly hostile to non-whites” and “alienating Blacks, Latinos, [and] the youth,” which he argued was the reason the party lost the two consecutive elections in 2008 and 2012 to Barack Obama.

Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Senator JD Vance Delivers Remarks On The U.S. Mexico Border

The Trump-Vance campaign is heavily focused on “migrant crime” and the border (Image: Getty)

The post appeared on a non-partisan site, Center for World Conflict and Peace, run by his former professor during undergrad at Ohio State University, Brad Nelson, which Vance contributed to after graduating.

Four years later during the 2016 election, Vance asked Nelson to remove the post after he decided to get involved in politics.

The same year, his bestselling memoir-turned-movie, Hillbilly Elegy, which weaved anecdotes into a tough-love tale about his upbringing in the Rust Belt-Appalachian region of the country, was released.

Nelson told CNN he agreed to remove the post to help Vance more easily enter the political scene, though his article, titled “A Blueprint for the GOP,” is still available to read on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

Nelson, who referred to Vance as one of his brightest students, explained Vance told him his post had “ruffled some feathers in some campaigns” he hoped to get involved in.

“I was a bit surprised at the blowback he apparently received from the GOP, as I thought his post was fairly innocuous,” Nelson told CNN. “Anyway, I liked JD and wanted to help him out, and so I went ahead and deleted his post.”

Nelson added: “He didn’t suggest that his thinking on the topics he wrote about in his post had changed.”

Trump có kế hoạch đến thăm Springfield, Ohio, sau khi tung tin đồn về việc người nhập cư Haiti ăn thịt vật nuôi ở đó

Vance’s blog post reads: “A significant part of Republican immigration policy centers on the possibility of deporting 12 million people (or ‘self-deporting’ them).

“Think about it: we conservatives (rightly) mistrust the government to efficiently administer business loans and regulate our food supply, yet we allegedly believe that it can deport millions of unregistered aliens.

“The notion fails to pass the laugh test. The same can be said for too much of the party’s platform.”

Now, 12 years later, Vance has climbed the political ladder to the potential second highest seat in office and has done so by appearing to change his tone.

In an effort to explain his flip-flop, he said Sunday: “The reason that I changed my mind on Donald Trump

is actually perfectly highlighted by what’s going on in Springfield.

“Because the media and the Kamala Harris campaign, they’ve been calling the residents of Springfield racist, they’ve been lying about them.

“They’ve been saying that they make up these reports of migrants eating geese, and they completely ignore the public health disaster that is unfolding in Springfield at this very minute.”

He added: “You know who hasn’t ignored it? Donald Trump.”

Will Martin, a spokesman for Vance, said Vance is a long-time supporter of border security measures, including deportations, though admits Vance’s stance on deportation has changed.

Vance also offered a heavy-handed critique of the Republican Party’s strategies and candidates as the reason for failing to win the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.

“When the 2008 election was called for Obama, I remember thinking: maybe this will teach my party some very important lessons,” Vance wrote. “You can’t nominate people, like Sarah Palin, who scare away swing voters.

“You can’t actively alienate every growing bloc of the American electorate—Blacks, Latinos, the youth—and you can’t depend solely on the single shrinking bloc of the electorate—Whites.

“And yet, four years later, I am again forced to reflect on a party that nominated the worst kind of people, like Richard Mourdock, and tried to win an election by appealing only to White people.”

His post concluded with a call to action for the GOP to adjust for the country’s changing demographics, including in its supply-side economic policies, which he compared to Soviet containment.

He wrote: “Republicans lose minority voters for simple and obvious reasons: their policy proposals are tired, unoriginal, or openly hostile to non-whites.”


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