
“It Is Everything”: CNN Anchor Admits RFK Jr. Just Made “Huge” Difference In The Election

After former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made the monumental decision to drop out of the race and endorse former President Donald Trump, Democrats have panicked.  During a recent broadcast, CNN anchor Erin Burnett admitted that Kennedy’s move could make a “huge” difference in the upcoming election.

RFK Jr.’s dropping out of the race could give Trump votes, as Kennedy held onto upwards of 5% in swing states, according to some polling data.  “The latest swing state polls show Kennedy with five or six percent of the vote,” Burnett said on Friday. Specifically, the host cited a recent New York Times/Siena College poll showing Kennedy with 6% support in Arizona and Nevada and 5% in Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Người dẫn chương trình CNN gọi RFK Jr. ủng hộ Trump là 'rất lớn' dựa trên các cuộc thăm dò của tiểu bang dao động: 'Nó là tất cả' | Fox News

Many projections indicate that the election will be tight and ultimately decided by the crucial battleground states.  “And so, when you think about it overall, and they say ‘Well, that’s not a big deal.’ Actually, if that is the case in swing states, it is huge. It is everything. It is more than the margin between Harris and Trump in some of those same states,” she continued.

After withdrawing from the race and subsequent endorsement of Trump, Kennedy appeared alongside the Republican presidential candidate at an Arizona rally.  In his remarks, Kennedy blasted the Democratic Party and the mainstream media for allegedly conspiring to attack him and former President Trump to spur support for Kamala Harris.

CNN anchor calls RFK Jr. endorsing Trump 'huge' based on swing state polls:  'It is everything' | Fox News

“Over the course of more than a year … the DNC-aligned mainstream media networks maintained a near-perfect embargo on interviews with me,” he said. “During his 10-month presidential campaign in 1992, Ross Perot gave 34 interviews on mainstream networks. In contrast, during the 16 months since I declared, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN combined gave only two live interviews [with] me. Those networks instead ran a continuous deluge of hit pieces with inaccurate, often vile pejoratives and defamatory smears. Some of those same networks colluded with the DNC to keep me off the debate stage.”

Introducing Kennedy onstage, Trump said at his rally, “Tonight, I am very pleased to welcome a man who has been an incredible champion for so many of these values we all share.  For the past 16 months, Robert F. Kennedy Junior has run an extraordinary campaign for President of the United States. Had he been allowed to enter the Democrat primary, he would have beaten Joe Biden.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sẽ xuất hiện trên 'Fox News Sunday' trong cuộc phỏng vấn độc quyền đầu tiên sau khi ủng hộ Trump

Continuing to praise Kennedy, Trump said, “He knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment—he lost his father and uncle in service to our country, and Bobby himself was subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course of his campaign, while being denied protection by the Harris-Biden administration,” he said.

Trump also claimed he will include RFK Jr. in his cabinet to lead a commission on presidential assassinations.  “In honor of Bobby, I am announcing tonight that upon my election, I will establish a new independent presidential commission on Assassination Attempts,” he continued. “They will be tasked with releasing all remaining documents pertaining to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and other events in question, and they also will conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month in Butler.”

Watch CNN sound the alarm over Kennedy dropping out:


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