I’ve been banned from building an 8ft greenhouse in my own garden by the council for a ludicrous reason… none of my neighbours care_Nhy
A homeowner who has been banned from building a greenhouse in his back garden because it would harm the green belt has slammed the ‘crazy’ decision and said his neighbours have abandoned him in his struggle.
Engineer Gareth Whittleston, 44, and his wife Franca Laverdino applied for planning permission for the 8ft high greenhouse at their rural barn conversion.
However it has now been rejected twice by council planning officers but an official decision has been deferred after councillors were split over the row.
The couple’s modern detached home lies inside the green belt in the moors above Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Standing in his sprawling garden with its own pond, Gareth said it was ‘madness’ that his plans have been rejected when Labour plans to build 1.5 million new homes.
Ministers admitted some land in the official green belt would have to be built on, but said this would only be so-called ‘grey belt’ areas.
Gareth told MailOnline: ‘It’s ludicrous when everyone knows there are going to be houses built on the green belt.
‘In fact, the rumours are the council are going to start building on the surrounding fields here.
‘With all this going on, it seems madness that they won’t let me build a greenhouse in my own garden.’

Engineer Gareth Whittleston, 44, and his wife Franca Laverdino applied for planning permission for the 8ft high greenhouse

Plans show the greenhouse would be located just above the couple’s pre-existing pond

The proposed greenhouse will be 22ft-long and take up 250 square foot

The greenhouse would be the crowning jewel in the couple’s sprawling garden
‘I am so angry that the planning department have stopped us putting in a greenhouse.
‘It just seems so pig-headed. We are not harming anyone and none of the neighbours have complained.
‘In fact they won’t be able to see it as it will be hidden by a large hedge.
‘My wife is Italian and she wants to grow grapes. But we also want to grow seeds for new flowers and plants.
‘This will benefit the environment. We have great bio-diversity in the garden with flowers and plants that attract butterflies and all sort of things.
‘We have newts in the pond as well. We have built this garden up for five years.’
His wife Franca, 70, said: ‘It’s the most pathetic thing I have come across in all my yours.
‘It’s outrageous. I have put my soul into this garden.’
Her sister Melina, 67, said: ‘In the summer, this garden is amazing. It’s a haven for butterflies, bees and dragonflies – it is so beautiful
‘This is madness to deny them to chance to make their garden better.’
In their judgement planning officials said: ‘National planning policy attaches great importance to the green belt.
‘Therefore, when considering any planning application, substantial weight should be given to any harm to the green belt.’

Franca has said the decision is ‘pathetic’ after she poured her ‘soul’ into the garden

Councillors are split over the plans but will meet again to discuss the proposals
The planners said that ‘the proposal therefore constitutes inappropriate development in the green belt, which by definition, is harmful to the green belt’.
They added that ‘by definition’, it ‘is harmful to the green belt’ and they recommended it be refused.
Councillors are split over the plans but will meet again to discuss the proposals.
Looking out over green fields behind his house, Gareth said: ‘We will appeal if we have to.
‘But all this is so unnecessary. It has cost us money as well as the taxpayers with all planning and legal documents that need preparing.’
Bolton Council have been approached for comment.