Der leise Glanz alter Geschichten
Jeder Mensch trägt eine Sammlung von Geschichten in sich. Einige erzählen wir immer wieder, andere bewahren wir still in unserem Herzen auf. Manche verblassen mit der Zeit, doch hin und wieder leuchtet eine alte Geschichte wieder auf – wie ein…
Die Brücke zwischen Gestern und Heute
Erinnerungen sind wie Brücken, die uns mit der Vergangenheit verbinden. Manche sind stabil und klar erkennbar, andere wirken brüchig und unvollständig. Doch egal, wie oft wir sie überqueren, sie führen uns immer wieder zurück zu den Momenten, die uns geprägt…
Das Flüstern vergessener Tage
Es gibt Tage, die vergehen, ohne eine Spur zu hinterlassen. Und es gibt Tage, die sich tief in unsere Seele eingraben, auch wenn wir sie vielleicht nicht sofort erkennen. Jahre später, in einem unerwarteten Moment, flüstern sie uns zu –…
Die Schatten der Zeit
Erinnerungen sind wie Schatten – sie begleiten uns, egal wohin wir gehen. Manchmal erscheinen sie groß und deutlich, manchmal verblassen sie und werden zu vagen Konturen. Doch sie sind immer da, als stille Begleiter, die uns daran erinnern, woher wir…
Joblessness among the young is a ‘disaster’ for the economy, employment minister warns – as Labour launches new jobcentre vans to encourage people into work_Nhy
Joblessness among the young is a ‘disaster’ for the economy, the Employment Minister has warned as she launched new Jobcentre vans to encourage people into work. Alison McGovern said the ‘pandemic generation’ have missed out from not getting a first…
Labour’s new borders watchdog will WFH…in Finland! Tories blast ‘totally ludicrous’ proposal by Government’s choice for chief inspector_Nhy
Labour’s choice for the next borders watchdog has hinted he plans to work part of the time from home in Finland. John Tuckett, 73, was named last month as the Government’s ‘preferred candidate’ for the role. But in a confirmation hearing…
Labour’s ‘Trump-style’ deportation flight ‘took just 47 migrants to Albania at a cost of £1million’ using privately chartered jet_Nhy
A deportation flight carrying migrants and criminals to Albania had just 47 aboard at a cost to the taxpayer of £1million, it was claimed today. The Home Office yesterday released images of people being booted out of Britain as they…
Labour suspends 11 councillors over vile WhatsApp group where messages mocked pensioners and made misogynistic, anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks_Nhy
Labour has suspended 11 councillors over a vile WhatsApp group where members mocked pensioners and made misogynistic and homophobic remarks. They have been suspended from the party as part of its probe into the ‘Trigger Me Timbers’ WhatsApp group which…
The Labour-run cities infested with rats: Rodent ‘epidemic’ hits Birmingham and Southampton with pests invading people’s kitchens and bedrooms as locals complain of rubbish littering streets_Nhy
Disgusted residents living in Labour-run cities besieged by hordes of giant rats have told how they lives have been transformed into a living hell. Homeowners say they have been left ‘scared stiff’ by out-of-control infestations which have exploded under the…
Britain’s richest plumber Charlie Mullins reveals his idyllic life in Spain after he fled abroad with his new girlfriend to escape Labour’s ‘tax grab’_Nhy
This is the luxury Spanish villa Britain’s richest plumber has escaped to with his new girlfriend in a bid to avoid Labour’s ‘tax grab’. Charlie Mullins, 72, said he was loving his ‘magnificent’ new life on the Costa del Sol…