Poland old

Polska w Okresie Międzywojennym (1918-1939)

Historia międzywojennej Polski obejmuje okres od ponownego odrodzenia niepodległego państwa polskiego w 1918 roku, aż do wspólnej inwazji Niemiec nazistowskich i Związku Radzieckiego na Polskę w 1939 roku na początku II wojny światowej. Dwa dziesięciolecia suwerenności Polski między wojnami znane są jako Okres Międzywojenny.

Warsaw, 1929

Police Dog Training at the Citadel, Warsaw, 1929

Police Dog Training at the Citadel, Warsaw, 1929

Costumes from Kashuby, Truskawiec, 1933

Costumes from Kashuby, Truskawiec, 1933

Street musician, Poznan, 1932

Street musician, Poznan, 1932

P. Kriese from Lodz closed in the glass cabinet while beating the world record in the length of fasting. Poznan, 1929

P. Kriese from Lodz closed in the glass cabinet while beating the world record in the length of fasting. Poznan, 1929

Hairdressing Competition in Warsaw, 1932

Hairdressing Competition in Warsaw, 1932

"Torpedo podhalańska" at the train station in Zakopane.

“Torpedo podhalańska” at the train station in Zakopane.

Double four wheeled vehicle with manual presented in Krakow before the Barbican. 1925

Double four wheeled vehicle with manual presented in Krakow before the Barbican. 1925

Opening of the bus line Krakow-Katowice, 1937

Opening of the bus line Krakow-Katowice, 1937

Street vendor, Warsaw, 1931

Street vendor, Warsaw, 1931

Chmielna in Warsaw, 1926

Chmielna in Warsaw, 1926

The National Museum in Krakow, 1930.

The National Museum in Krakow, 1930.

Leon Tomaszkiewicz on a motorcycle "Ariel" on the Main Market Square in Krakow, 1929.

Leon Tomaszkiewicz on a motorcycle “Ariel” on the Main Market Square in Krakow, 1929.

Felix Nazarewicz performing stunts at high altitude, Krakow, 1928

Felix Nazarewicz performing stunts at high altitude, Krakow, 1928

Pilot Joseph Orlowski gets off the plane. Warsaw, 1933

Pilot Joseph Orlowski gets off the plane. Warsaw, 1933

A group of boys during dubbing firecrackers at trams on the tracks, Warsaw, 1933

A group of boys during dubbing firecrackers at trams on the tracks, Warsaw, 1933

Fans on the trees during football match TS Wisla Krakow - Chelsea FC. Krakow,1936

Fans on the trees during football match TS Wisla Krakow – Chelsea FC. Krakow,1936

Floriańska Street in Krakow, 1936

Floriańska Street in Krakow, 1936

View from the top to the south of the Royal Castle. Visible flying Polish military airship "Lech".

View from the top to the south of the Royal Castle. Visible flying Polish military airship “Lech”.

Nowy Świat street in Warsaw, 1934

Nowy Świat street in Warsaw, 1934

Wybrzeże Gdańskie after the reconstruction. Warsaw, 1938.

Wybrzeże Gdańskie after the reconstruction. Warsaw, 1938.



Armoured Battalion in Poznan, 1931

Armoured Battalion in Poznan, 1931


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