
‘Rachel Reeves’ war on pensioners is cruel – she claimed £3.7k to heat second home’

Rachel Reeves has been accused of having her “snout in the trough” after it was revealed she had claimed £3,700 towards the cost of heating her second home over the course of the last five years.
Rachel Reeves không lừa được ai bằng kế hoạch tàn ác cướp hàng triệu người về hưu | Bình luận của Express | Bình luận |

Carole Malone railed against the Labour Chancellor for claiming the cash while plotting to bar most pensioners from claiming the £300 annual winter heating payment – declaring: “It makes me boil with rage”.

Earlier this week, MPs voted through Government plans which will mean the payout will be means-tested, in effect ruling out anyone who is not in receipt of benefits – roughly 10 million people.

Speaking to GB News, Ms Malone said: “I wanted to talk about Rachel Reeves today trying to justify the fact that she gets £3,700, has claimed that in the last five years, for her heating bills at her second home.

“She’s actually just saying that, you know, MPs have to be in when she was never you have to be in London.

Carole Malone Rachel Reeves

Carole Malone said Rachel Reeves and other politicians have their ‘noses in the trough’ (Image: GETTY)

“And I’m thinking, so you are on £ 158,000, your husband is very well-paid, so there’s a household that’s bringing in nearly £300,000, and she’s talking about how she needed this heating money.

“Pensioners are on 10 and a half grand a year and yet we have our Chancellor who’s going to take the money away from society’s most vulnerable, and yet her and all the other cabinet members have got the snouts in the trough, and they’re taking it for their heating bills.

“And it makes me boil with rage that they can’t see the hypocrisy of this. They can’t see the cruelty of this.”

Ms Reeves said: “I recognise that I earn more than average families in Britain, but I’m also determined in this position to protect the most vulnerable, which is why the winter fuel payment will continue to be paid to pensioners on pension credit.

Government Wins Vote On Cuts To Winter Fuel Allowance

The move has attracted significant criticism (Image: Getty)

She added: “Being a constituency MP means that you have to have a house in London as well as, of course, living in the constituency, and that’s the same for all MPs.

“Those are long standing rules. I am determined to ensure that the poorest pensioners are protected and will still get winter fuel payments, and indeed, to ensure that pension incomes continue to increase with the triple lock.”

Simon Francis, of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, said: “As MPs warm themselves at public expense, the reality for pensioners will be very different this winter.

“If Labour MPs are so keen to save money for the Treasury, maybe they could look closer to home for savings rather than taking from pensioners.”

UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves Holds Press Conference On State Of Country's Finances

Rachel Reeves has been Chancellor for just over two months (Image: Getty)

In 2021-22, 11 Cabinet ministers claimed a total of £7,187 for their gas and electricity bills. This amount surged to £12,620 during the first three quarters of the following year.

The claims are for expenses which MPs, who now earn £91,346 annually, are eligible to receive due to the necessity of working from two locations if their constituency is outside London.

MPs are permitted to claim reimbursement for the costs associated with maintaining a property near Westminster, which includes expenses like council tax and utilities.


Keir Starmer dealt massive blow as Labour poll lead plummets after winter fuel betrayal

Labour’s poll lead has plummeted since the general election, according to a new poll, which sets out the political impact of Sir Keir Starmer’s first two months in office.

Since coming to power, Labour has announced swinging cuts to infrastructure project, slashed winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners, handed above-inflation pay rises to their union paymasters and cut housing targets in London.

Despite being outwardly cocky about his election win, however, a new poll by More In Common deals a hammer blow to Sir Keir Starmer today.

It reveals that since July, Labour’s popularity has sunk by six points, to just 29%.

This means that even in the midst of a leadership election, the Tories are now just four points behind the Sir Keir Starmer.

Keir Starmer Meets With Olaf Scholz In Berlin

Sir Keir Starmer has plummeted in popularity (Image: Getty)

While the Tories remain static on 25% since the election, other smaller parties are the main beneficiaries of Labour’s misfortune.

Reform UK is up 3 points to a whopping 18%, with the party’s chairman Zia Yusuf observing: “Reform is winning support from Labour at great speed.”

“This is just *2 months* post an election they won.

“Imagine what a few years will do. No wonder Starmer is petrified.”

The Liberal Democrats are up 2 points to 14%, while the Greens have increased the same amount to 8%.

The SNP remain static on just 3% of the vote following their near-wipeout at the election.

The poll was conducted from September 10 to 12, meaning those asked for their voting intention will have been able to take into account this week’s vote by Labour MPs in favour of slashing Winter Fuel Payments.

Reacting to the shock poll, Tory commentator Andrew Lilico said that while polls don’t matter at the moment, “it’s pretty remarkable to have won a majority of over 170 so recently yet already be polling under 30% & with a lead of only 4%.”

Former Tory advisor Iain Mansfield added: “Truly startling to see no party with over 30% vote share.”


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