
Reform UK celebrates huge poll victory – Labour and Tories should be very worried

Reform UK has received a welcome boost to spirits this morning, as the party begins its triumphant post-election conference.

Reform UK ăn mừng chiến thắng lớn trong cuộc bỏ phiếu - Đảng Lao động và Đảng Bảo thủ nên rất lo lắng | Chính trị | Tin tức |

Mr Farage has much to celebrate in Birmingham today (Image: Getty)

Arriving in Birmingham this morning, delegates will be buoyed by a new poll from Techne UK, which finds that Reform has once again gained a big jump in support, and is closing in on the Tories.

According to Techne, 33% would now vote Labour, down two since the election but down a whopping seven since Techne’s last poll the day before the election.

The Tories are down three points, to just 21% in the polls, a perilous position as they continue debating who should replace Rishi Sunak.

Reform, however, are the only winners, up 3 points since the election to 18%.

Nigel Farage Tells The People Of Houghton-le-Spring It's Time For A New Voice

Mr Farage has much to celebrate in Birmingham today (Image: Getty)

This means they are now on the verge of becoming the second most popular party in Britain, just three points behind the Conservatives.

Meanwhile the LibDems and Green Party remain unchanged, on 13% and 7% respectively.

The poll comes just hours before the great and good of Reform UK take to the stage of the Birmingham NEC and set out their roadmap to winning the next general election.

Among the speakers will be all five of the party’s MPs – including Richard Tice, Rupert Lowe, Lee Anderson and James McMurdoch – Ann Widdecombe, TV star Ant Middleton and party chairman Zia Yusuf.

Nigel Farage will conclude proceedings at 4pm, where he will “share his powerful vision for the country’s future”.

Techne suggest Reform is quickly catching up with the Tories

Techne suggest Reform is quickly catching up with the Tories (Image: Techne )

Speaking earlier this week, rising star Zia Yusuf insisted Nigel Farage can be Britain’s next Prime Minister, predicting that millions of people who supported Labour in July will switch to Reform UK – and not back to the Tories.

He told The Times: “A poll a few weeks ago found that one in four Labour supporters [at the last election] are already either considering or seriously considering voting for Reform.”

“Labour got 9.7 million votes [at the last election]. So one in four is actually two, almost two and a half million. That’s half the number of votes we need to have Nigel to be the next prime minister.”

“We have a prime minister who is so uninspiring. Essentially, his message is that things can only get worse. He has not done a single thing since taking office to make the country better.

“He has alienated huge swathes of even his own supporters, let alone opposing ones. There’s a huge amount of potential there for us.”

Other speeches will see deputy leader Richard Tice slam Net Zero and blast Ed Miliband as a “zealot in chief of [the Net Zero] cult”.

Lee Anderson, the party’s Chief Whip, will talk about the need to get our country back, and highlight what makes the UK what it is.

Keir Starmer nói đùa về Nigel Farage sau khi Natalie Elphicke đào tẩu | The Independent

James McMurdock will talk about his journey from being a “hard working Essex lad into being Reform’s most unexpected MP”, overturning Labour’s 19,000 majority as a paper candidate in July.

Rupert Lowe will make a call for a return to a smaller state and demand a reset of the British constitution.


Brexiteer mocks ‘wishful thinking’ after Labour branch backs UK rejoining customs union

Sir Keir Starmer

Critics claim Sir Keir backs the idea of a return to the EU – something he has consistently denied. (Image: GETTY)

Labour Party members have been mocked by a leading Brexiteer for their “wishful thinking” after backing a motion calling for the UK to rejoin the European Union’s customs union and single market – eight years after Britons voted to sever ties with Brussels.

And former MEP Richard Corbett, who shared the news on X, was also slapped down for “lifting stats from parallel universes” to back up his case.

Mr Corbett served two separate terms in the European Parliament, from 1999 and 2009, and from 2009 and 2014.

A member of the Labour Movement for Europe and a vociferous advocate of rejoining the bloc, he yesterday posted: “Labour Party local branch in Shipley (Yorkshire) tonight unanimously approved a motion calling on the Labour government to rejoin the EU’s single market and customs union, to reduce the £40bn a year of lost tax revenue caused by Brexit.”

The figure stems from a report by pro-European think tank the Centre for European Reform (CER) estimated in June 2023 that the UK economy was 5.5 percent smaller than it would have been if the country had remained in the EU.

The CER calculated that this economic hit translated to around £40 billion less in tax receipts annually for the UK government.

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has also forecast that the long-term effect of Brexit will reduce the UK’s GDP by around four percent, which aligns with these broader estimates of reduced revenue.

Dr Lee Rotherham, an EU expert and prominent Brexiteer who was Vote Leave’s director of special projects, told “Labour must really think little of David Lammy’s capabilities if Shipley Labour Party is now trying to run an independent foreign policy.

“The figures cited by Rejoiners are selective bunkum based on guesswork, stats lifted from parallel universes, and wishful thinking.

“Though rejoining the EU would give some former MEPs their gravy train jobs back, so at least someone wins.

“£40 billion is a figure pulled magically out of the air by a shallow comparison between a handful of disparate economies made in the middle of a Covid, food and energy crisis. I would have more confidence in share advice from Karl Marx.”

Keir Starmer Meets With Olaf Scholz In Berlin

Sir Keir Starmer and Olaf Scholz in Berlin last month. (Image: Getty)

Sir Keir Starmer has been clear in stating that the UK will not rejoin the European Union under his leadership, nor will it seek to re-enter the EU’s single market or customs union.

Sir Keir has consistently said that Brexit is “done” and that the UK needs to move forward and make Brexit work.

His focus has been on improving the existing relationship with the EU rather than reopening the debate over EU membership.

At a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz last month, Sir Keir stressed the importance of improving relations post-Brexit, while both leaders discussed cooperation in various areas, including trade, migration, and security.

He said he was “absolutely clear” the government wanted to reset relations with Europe.

Kevin Hollinrake

Tory shadow business secretary Kevin Hollinrake. (Image: Getty)

Sir Keir added: “That does not mean reversing Brexit or re-entering the single market or the customs union.

“But it does mean a closer relationship on a number of fronts, including the economy, including defence, including exchanges.”

The Labour leader’s stance has nevertheless drawn criticism from those who believe he is attempting to reverse Brexit.

Speaking after Sir Keir’s remarks, Tory shadow business secretary Kevin Hollinrake accused the PM of “cosying up to politicians in Germany and calling for a closer relationship with Europe”.

He added: “Starmer has spent his entire political career plotting to reverse Brexit.

“So it doesn’t take a genius to see where the new Labour government is headed.”


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