
So Many Young Men are Backing Trump, It’s Creating an “Ongoing Culture Shock”

According to recent reports, Trump’s support among Gen Z males is growing ahead of the election in what has been described as an “ongoing culture shock” in the American political landscape.  As millions of members of Gen Z are eligible to vote in November, there has been substantial focus on the deeply divided generation.

Kiểm tra thực tế: Trump đưa ra hơn 20 tuyên bố sai sự thật tại cuộc họp báo

According to polling from the New York Times and Siena College earlier this month, the majority of males 18 to 29 favor former President Donald Trump, while the majority of women support Vice President Kamala Harris.  Notably, the 51-point divide between the genders in Gen Z is substantially larger than any other generation.

One Gen Z voter, 22-year-old Jahmiel Jackson, said, “There is an ongoing culture shock that’s happening specifically with men my age.  Specifically, I grew up without a father. He was killed because of gang violence at a very young age…when I was around 3 or 4 years old. And I saw Donald Trump’s recent interview…where he’s talking about someone in his family who died of an overdose and why he doesn’t do drugs…and some of the challenges that [were] presented to him and the choices he made afterward.”

Cơ quan bầu cử nhận được khiếu nại chống lại Văn phòng Cảnh sát trưởng Quận Livingston sau sự kiện của Trump

The young voter continued, “Seeing such a prominent male figure in politics… it does show a sign of reliability and shows a sign that, a lot of men, specifically in today’s culture, we may be pushed aside when we do talk about the things that we may struggle with or the challenges we have and [told] that we should support woman, and we should just amplify women.  I think there is space to have this conversation. I think that is why you see so many men my age who are… going to vote for Trump.”

Similarly, Ranger Irwin, a 20-year-old registered Independent from Nevada, outlined his plans to vote for Trump in November. Irwin explained that his motivation in voting for the Republican presidential candidate is the economy, as he aspires to buy a home and start a family someday.

Ai có thể tạo nên Nội các của Trump? Dưới đây là những tỷ phú và các nhà lãnh đạo khác có thể lên nắm quyền nếu ông thắng nhiệm kỳ thứ 2

“Honestly, I just want to see them really focus more on America and make sure it’s the America that everyone talks about…like the American dream…like everything’s affordable,” he said. “It used to be possible under one income for you to support a wife and kids and a family and a house. But now in the current economy under Biden, it’s not possible at all.” He added, “Most of the guys I know, they always talk about just how amazing the economy was under Trump.”

Jackson continued, “When president Biden was first in office, there was a honeymoon period until he tried to pull out of Afghanistan and then that’s when he crushed one of my biggest dreams, which was serving in the military right after I graduated college.” He added, “I look at a lot of the friends that I have who are male around my age. They want to have homes, they want to start families, they want to make a lot of money. We all have these individual dreams, and then we start to see that it’s becoming less and less possible,” he continued.

Trump không biết cách xử lý Kamala Harris – và giờ cô ấy đang cười nhạo ông ta | The Independent

Watch a damning admission from a New York DOJ official about DA Bragg’s case against Trump:


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