Marilyn Monroe

25 photos rares et magnifiques de Marylin Monroe par Eve

Eve Arnold était une photojournaliste américaine. Elle a rejoint l’agence Magnum Photos en 1951 et en est devenue membre à part entière en 1957. Les images prises par Arnold de Marilyn Monroe sur le tournage du dernier film de l’actrice, The…

25 Rare and Beautiful Photos of Marylin Monroe By Eve

Eve Arnold was an American photojournalist. She joined Magnum Photos agency in 1951, and became a full member in 1957. Arnold’s images of Marilyn Monroe on the set of the actress’s last film, The Misfits (1961) were iconic, but she had taken…

La vie tragique du sex-symbol Marilyn Monroe .sn

Marilyn Monroe a eu une carrière très réussie, mais ce n’était qu’une partie de la vie amère de la « légende hollywoodienne ». Pendant des décennies,  la beauté captivante et la vie dramatique de Marilyn Monroe  ont été un sujet fascinant pour les…

The Tragic Life of Sex Symbol Marilyn Monroe .sn

Marilyn Monroe had a very successful career, but that was only part of the bitter life of the “Hollywood legend”. For decades,  Marilyn Monroe ‘s captivating beauty and dramatic life  have been a fascinating subject for filmmakers, writers and playwrights. More than sixty…

Les moments classiques et précieux de Marilyn Monroe .sn

Les photos inestimables de Marilyn Monroe font encore aujourd’hui admirer au monde la beauté d’une légende. Les années ont passé, Marilyn Monroe est toujours une icône classique d’Hollywood avec ses cheveux blonds, son sourire radieux et ses courbes sexy. La « bombe…

Marilyn Monroe’s classic and precious moments .sn

The priceless photos of Marilyn Monroe still make the world admire the beauty of a legend. Years have passed, Marilyn Monroe is still a classic Hollywood icon with her blonde hair, radiant smile and standard curves of sexiness. The “blonde sex bomb”…

Glamorous Photos of Marilyn Monroe Taken by Bruno Bernard at the Racquet Club of Palm Springs, 1948

Born 1912 in Berlin, Germany, Bruno Bernard was put in an orphanage by parents who could not afford to support him. In 1923, his parents gave him a Rolleiflex camera, which led to a lifelong interest in photography. Bernard was…


50 wunderschöne Fotos von Marilyn Monroe (damals Norma Jeane Dougherty), aufgenommen von Richard C. Miller im Jahr 1946

Im März und April 1946 lud der talentierte Fotograf Richard C. Miller ein Pin-up-Girl der amerikanischen Streitkräfte ein, für ihn bei einem Fotoshooting zu posieren. Er wusste jedoch noch nicht, dass sein 19-jähriges Model Norma Jeane Dougherty einmal die berühmteste…

Wonderful Color Photos of Marilyn Monroe Taken by Reisfeld Bert for “How To Marry a Millionaire” (1953)

Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, model and singer. Famous for playing comedic “blonde bombshell” characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era’s sexual revolution. Long…


Marilyn Monroe Reads Joyce’s Ulysses at the Playground, 1955

During the 1950s, the pioneering photojournalist Eve Arnold took a series of portraits of Marilyn Monroe. The now iconic photos generally present Monroe as a larger-than-life celebrity and sex symbol. Except for one. In 1955, Arnold photographed Monroe reading a…