The mother-in-law humiliated her daughter-in-law on her birthday while visiting. But she didn’t know how it would end.
Mom will arrive on Saturday!” Alexey exclaimed joyfully.
But Anna did not share his enthusiasm at all. She already sensed more reproaches and mockery coming her way. An unpleasant memory from her birthday resurfaced immediately – when Margarita Sergeyevna had managed to ruin the celebration.
The guests had already gathered, and the mother-in-law’s reaction was swift.
“Anna, how do you even bake such cakes? The layers are raw, and the frosting… Don’t you feel that it’s far too sweet?”
“In my opinion, everything is very tasty,” tried to defend Anna, her voice coming from Alexey’s aunt, his own sister.
However, the mother-in-law was relentless.
“You’re either flattering her or you just don’t want to spoil the birthday mood. But excuse me, I’m used to always telling the truth.”
Offended, Anna left the table and stepped out to smoke on the balcony.
From the very beginning, her husband had categorically opposed her smoking. But over time, he had come to accept it as her personal choice. Alexey himself didn’t smoke, nor did his mother. However, it was she who constantly found an occasion to reproach Anna for that habit.
“Back to the same old thing? You promised to quit!” Margarita Sergeyevna fumed, deliberately saying it loud enough for all the guests to hear.
“Great! I can’t even have a quiet smoke on my own birthday,” Anna thought.
She took a long drag and then replied calmly:
“Personally, Margarita Sergeyevna, I didn’t promise you anything. And anyway, whether I smoke or not is my own business.” “But I don’t like the smell!” the mother-in-law protested, waving her arms as if trying to disperse the smoke.
“Then go outside where the air is fresh. Surely nothing smells there,” Anna replied calmly.
The mother-in-law stirred up such a scandal that the guests began to leave one by one. She accused her daughter-in-law of, taking advantage of her “untouchable day,” supposedly expelling her own son from the apartment.
In short, the celebration was spoiled, even though everything had started so well…
Anna would remember that birthday forever. And now she realized that the mother-in-law had clearly decided to come to them solely to ruin her life.
“Annyushka, I understand that you and your mom don’t really get along,” Alexey began.
“And that’s why you allowed her to live with us?”
“I had no choice. Besides, it’s only temporary.”
Anna looked at Alexey intently.
“Wait, did I hear you correctly? She’s not coming for just one day?”
“No,” he said guiltily.
“For how long?”
“At most for a month…”
Anna was outraged. It turned out that his mother had decided to attend a professional development course so that she wouldn’t lose her competitive edge with age. Initially, the training was planned to be online, but at the last moment it turned out that there would also be in-person sessions. Attendance was mandatory.
Anna even offered to rent an apartment for her mother at their expense, but Alexey said she wouldn’t agree to live in a rental. In the end, there was no choice: they had to let her stay in their apartment and give her the largest room.
“I want you to give me your bed,” the mother-in-law declared as soon as she arrived.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” Anna thought, though she didn’t say it aloud.
“What’s wrong with the sofa, Mom?” asked Alexey.
Margarita Sergeyevna looked reproachfully at her son and said, “My back will hurt on it. So let’s rearrange the furniture and swap the sofa with the bed.”
The mother-in-law seemed to have come as a guest, but behaved like the rightful lady of the house. This irritated Anna.
“Why are you looking at me like a wolf?” the mother-in-law asked, glancing at her.
“You must be mistaken. I have work to do,” Anna replied and went to her room, burying herself in her laptop so as not to see what was happening.
She had been working remotely for a long time, but now she suddenly wanted to return to the office. “Gennady Pavlovich, would you mind if I worked from the office for a month?” she asked her boss.
“To be honest, I’m surprised. Usually employees are eager to work remotely, and here it’s the opposite,” he laughed. “Of course, you can. But I’m curious – what made you decide to come back to the office? You always managed fine without a team.”
Anna didn’t want to tell her boss about her family problems, so she quickly came up with an answer:
“The neighbors are renovating; they’re drilling all day. It’s impossible to concentrate.”
“I see. And why only for a month? Maybe they’ll be drilling longer?”
“We’ll see,” Anna evasively replied, though in her mind she was thinking that the mother-in-law might possibly stay longer than a month. After all, the accommodation is free, utilities are cheaper, and she hardly buys any groceries. Now she’s taking courses, and later she might find something else, so her departure is entirely uncertain.
In the evening, Anna returned home, wishing to relax in the bathroom, but the mother-in-law blocked her way.
“Where are you off to?” she asked.
“Strange question. Obviously to shower,” Anna replied, holding up a towel.
“And what about dinner?”
“The stuffed cabbage rolls are in the fridge. Let me pass.”
“I threw them out. They were from yesterday,” declared the mother-in-law.
“What do you mean you threw them out? I spent two hours making them!” Anna fumed.
“We’re used to eating only freshly prepared food. Cook every day, but in small portions.”
This completely infuriated Anna.
“You know what? I’m not going to stand by the stove every day. If you want, cook for yourselves. I’ll give you the kitchen.”
“I can’t. I’m a guest,” declared the mother-in-law.
“Then either eat what is available or cook for yourselves,” Anna snapped and, squeezing past the mother-in-law and the doorframe, headed to the bathroom.
She heard the mother-in-law complaining to Alexey about her inattentive wife, but she knew that he fully understood his mother’s character.
“Why do you never stand up for me?” Anna asked after another conversation between Alexey and his mother.
Alexey looked at his wife guiltily.
“Sorry, Anya, I don’t want to fight with her. You know how she is. Once you start arguing, she won’t stop.”
That sounded like an unconvincing excuse. But Anna was sure that her sharp reply to the mother-in-law would solve the problem. However, that wasn’t the end of it.
When Anna went out to smoke on the balcony, Margarita Sergeyevna started complaining to her son about the smell.
“How can you tolerate a smoking wife? Don’t you feel like you’re kissing an ashtray?”
“Mom, it’s Anna’s personal choice,” Alexey tried to defend his wife.
“Yes, and we all should enjoy that aroma. Let her go smoke outside.”
“From the seventh floor?” Alexey asked in surprise.
“Yes, and what’s wrong with that? You can’t smoke in the entrance hall.”
Anna was furious with her mother-in-law’s constant nitpicking. And then a brilliant idea came to her.
On Sunday morning, the doorbell rang.
“Taisiya Kirillovna! What a surprise! Why are you carrying a suitcase?” Alexey said, astonished to see his mother-in-law on the doorstep. “Hello, Lyoshenka. I decided to take a course and live with you as well. Greetings, Margarita Sergeyevna.”
The mother-in-law almost choked on her sandwich. She clearly had not expected such a turn of events.
“What’s the matter? Your apartment is three-roomed. There’s enough space for everyone, right, daughter?”
“Of course, Mom. Come in.”
For the sake of appearances, the mother-in-law sat at the table a little longer, then began packing her things. She declared that with such a setup she did not intend to live there, and within an hour she left, arranging to finish her courses online.
After Margarita Sergeyevna left, an unusual quiet settled over the apartment. Anna sighed with relief, but her joy was short-lived. Taisiya Kirillovna, her own mother, although she had come with good intentions, began to show her true nature. She was a domineering woman, used to controlling everything.
“Annyushka, why is your closet such a mess?” asked Taisiya Kirillovna, opening the wardrobe door. “And that dress doesn’t suit you anymore; it’s time to throw it out.”
“Mom, these are my things,” Anna tried to protest, but her mother was already pulling out old dresses and placing them into a bag.
“Don’t argue, daughter. I know better what you need.”
Alexey, watching what was happening, tried not to interfere. He understood that both the women in his life were strong-willed, and any word from him might ignite a storm of emotions.
“Lyosha,” Taisiya Kirillovna addressed him, “could you help me rearrange the living room? There’s too much clutter here.”
“Mom, we just arranged everything not long ago,” Alexey attempted to object.
“So what? Everything can be improved. Come on, don’t be lazy.”
Seeing her husband obediently yielding to his mother, Anna felt a surge of irritation. She realized that Taisiya Kirillovna wanted things done her way, but her methods were too overbearing.
“Mom, maybe that’s enough?” Anna finally could not hold back. “We can manage ourselves.”
“Don’t you trust me?” her mother retorted hurtfully. “I only want to help.”
“We appreciate your help, but sometimes we need to make our own decisions,” Anna said softly.
Taisiya Kirillovna frowned, but did not press further. She went to her room, leaving Anna and Alexey alone.
“So, Lyosha, what do you think of our new arrangements?” Anna asked with irony.
“Well, you know,” Alexey smiled, “after Mom Margarita Sergeyevna, these are just minor details.”
They laughed, but deep down both understood that the situation needed a solution. Anna decided to have an honest conversation with her mother.
“Mom,” she began over tea in the evening, “I love you very much and appreciate your care. But you need to understand: I’m an adult now and can make my own decisions.”
Taisiya Kirillovna sighed.
“I understand, daughter. It’s just hard for me to accept that you’re not a little girl anymore, whom I can explain and show everything to.”
“I know, Mom. But let’s try to find a compromise. You can give advice, but don’t insist on having it followed.”
“Alright,” agreed Taisiya Kirillovna. “I’ll do my best.”
The next day, the apartment became a bit calmer. Taisiya Kirillovna tried not to interfere in the young couple’s affairs, and Anna and Alexey, in turn, consulted with her more often so that she would feel needed.
However, the calm did not last long. A week later, a courier rang the doorbell carrying an enormous bouquet of flowers.
“For Anna Nikolaevna,” he announced.
“Who could that be?” Anna wondered as she accepted the bouquet.
“Maybe a secret admirer?” Alexey joked, though a slight hint of jealousy was in his voice.
Inside the bouquet, Anna found a note: “Dear Anna, I’ve longed to see you. Let’s meet? Igor.”
“Igor?” Anna was surprised. “Where did he come from?”
“Who is that?” Alexey asked cautiously.
“My former classmate. We haven’t seen each other in ten years.”
“And he decided to remind you of himself like this?” Alexey remarked skeptically.
“I don’t know,” Anna shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a friendly gesture.”
But the next day, Igor called.
“Anna, hello! Did you receive the flowers?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Anna replied. “But why such an expense?”
“I just wanted to do something nice. Listen, let’s meet. Let’s talk and reminisce about old times.”
Anna hesitated, but her curiosity got the better of her.
“Alright, let’s meet.”
They agreed to meet in a café. Anna did not mention the meeting to Alexey, so as not to raise unnecessary questions.
At the café, Igor turned out to be as charming as he had been in school. He talked about his business successes, his travels, and cracked jokes. Anna found herself enjoying the time spent with him.
“Anna,” Igor suddenly said seriously, “I’ve always remembered you. You were the most beautiful girl in school.”
“Oh, come on,” Anna blushed. “That was so long ago.”
“It means a lot to me. I want us to see each other more often.”
Anna felt awkward. She realized she had gone too far.
“Igor, I’m married. And I’m happy with my husband.”
“I understand,” he sighed. “But if anything happens, I’m always here.”
Anna returned home with a feeling of guilt. Alexey, as usual, was busy working. She sat on the sofa, thinking about how everything had unfolded.
“Did something happen?” Taisiya Kirillovna asked, noticing her pensive mood.
“No, Mom, everything’s fine,” Anna replied.
But inside, she knew the situation required a solution. She decided to talk with Alexey.
“Lyosha,” she began one evening, “I need to talk to you.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked cautiously.
“I met Igor, my former classmate. He sent me flowers and invited me to a café.”
Alexey paused, then asked, “And what did you tell him?”
“I said that I’m married and I’m happy with you.”
Alexey sighed with relief.
“Thank you for telling me. I trust you, but such meetings are better not to happen again.”
“I understand,” Anna agreed. “I just enjoyed remembering the old times.”
“Let’s go out together sometime,” Alexey suggested. “To recall how we met.”
Anna smiled.
“That’s a good idea.”
The next day they went to a park where they had once walked together for the first time. They laughed, reminiscing about their first dates, and Anna felt that the bond which had once united them was rekindled.
Seeing their happy faces, Taisiya Kirillovna decided that her mission was accomplished. She packed her things and announced that she was returning home.
“Mom, are you sure?” Anna asked.
“Yes, daughter. You can manage on your own. I’ll go back home; I have my own affairs there.”
After her departure, calm returned to the apartment once again. Anna and Alexey realized that their relationship had been tested and had grown even stronger. They learned to listen to each other and find compromises.