
Trump says he gave ‘biggest tax hike in US history’ in blunder and wipes drool from mouth

Donald Trump has claimed “we gave you the biggest tax hikes in the history of our country” in a blunder-filled speech – and ‘wiped drool from his mouth.’

Trump: 'We're Going To Reduce Taxes Further' — 5 Ways He Wants To Do That

The former president, who praised his ‘handsomely ruggish hair’ at his rally on Monday while bored supporters left in droves as he was speaking, has been dubbed ‘the new Biden’ after his gaffes.

The 78-year-old rambled during a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia, on his plans for tax reform, which was marred by mistakes, such referring to Charlottesville as “Charlottestown. He was stopped to wipe what appeared to be ‘drool’ from his mouth.

Trump received a huge applause when he vowed to bring back jobs “at levels not to be believed” in a passionate rant.

“We’re going to take other countries’ jobs. It’s never happened before. We’re taking trillions of wealth back to the good ole USA,” he said. “Your only worry will be deciding which job to take. They’ll be plenty of them.”

Offering a ‘deal’ to every major company in the world, Trump said: “I will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burden and free access to big and best market on the planet.

“But only if you make your product here and hire American workers for the job.”

He claimed there would be no car or steel industry under Harris, who he described as “grossly incompetent.”

“If Kamala Harris gets four more years she will deindustrialize the United States and destroy our country. We will be destroyed,” he said.


Trump and Harris at the ABC debate (Image: Getty)

The former president slammed the ABC presidential debate, which he claimed was a “horrible situation” that was rigged but also was one of his best debates.

Ironically after his multiple mistakes, Trump took aim at Biden for his speeches.

He asked: “Isn’t it nice, by the way, to have a president who doesn’t need a teleprompter?”

Republican Presidential Candidate Former President Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Indiana, Pennsylvania

Trump during his rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania (Image: Getty)

It comes after hundreds were seen leaving Trump’s rally early on Monday night.

Footage shared from Kamala HQ, the vice president’s campaign account, on X appears to show footage of rally attendees getting up to leave en masse throughout the evening.

The venue, which local outlets say has an 8,000 person capacity, was packed at the beginning of the night.

Trump also showed up around 40 minutes, according to a local reporter, before he gave his shorter-than-usual speech, which lasted under 90 minutes.


Kamala Harris savaged by MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle as ‘not ready for oval office’

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris was told she is “not ready for the Oval Office” following an interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle (Image: MSNBC)

Kamala Harris was told she is “not ready for the Oval Office” following an interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Wednesday night.

Appearing on “Deadline: White House” after the interview, Ruhle slammed her response over one question.

She said: “She’s a politician but I don’t know if she can handle the Oval Office. I said to her, ‘You’ve got a detailed plan but running the country is unpredictable. You’ve got to have great instincts’.

“Tell me what is the last gut decision you made and she thought about it for a second and she said, ‘my running mate’.”

Harris chose Minnesota governor Tim Walz as the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

Harris Casts Herself As Pro-Labor 'Capitalist' In Economic Pitch

Harris said her last gut instinct was to pick Tim Walz as her running mate (Image: Getty)

It comes as Harris will visit the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona on Friday as her campaign tries to turn the larger issue of immigration from a liability into a strength and hopes to counter a line of frequent, searing political attacks from former President Donald Trump.

Her campaign announced Wednesday that Harris will be in Douglas, Arizona, across the border from Agua Prieta, Mexico.

A Harris aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a trip that was still being planned, said the vice president plans to speak about border security and how, as a former attorney general of California, she took on international gangs and criminal organizations who traffic drugs, guns, and human beings.

She also has long believed that the country needs an immigration system that is secure, fair, orderly and humane, the aide said.

Trump has built his campaign partly around calling for cracking down on immigration and the southern border, even endorsing using police and the military to carry out mass deportations should he be elected in November. Harris has increasingly tried to seize on the issue and turn it back against her opponent, though polls show voters continue to trust Trump more on it.

Just how important immigration and the border are ahead of Election Day was evidenced by Trump wasting little time reacting to word of Harris’ trip. He told a rally crowd in Mint Hill, North Carolina, that Harris was going to the border “for political reasons” and because “their polls are tanking.”

“When Kamala speaks about the border, her credibility is less than zero,” Trump said. “I hope you’re going to remember that on Friday. When she tells you about the border, ask her just one simple question: “Why didn’t you do it four years ago?”

That picks up on a theme Trump mentions at nearly all of his campaign rallies, scoffing at Harris as a former Biden administration “border czar,” arguing that she oversaw softer federal policies that allowed millions of people into the country illegally.


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