
Trump Warns of “1929 Depression” America Will Face If Kamala Wins

Speaking during a powerful town hall meeting on Wednesday, September 3, that was hosted by Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump dropped a huge warning about what will happen to the American economy if Vice President Kamala Harris is elected due to her radical economic views.

As background, VP Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, has supported a number of extremely far-left economic policies, particularly tax policies, such as raising the capital gains tax to over 44% and creating a 25% unrealized capital gains tax for assets over $100 million. She also wants to let the portions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that will expire in 2025 expire, thus leading to tax hikes for some individuals.

Trump cảnh báo Hoa Kỳ sẽ rơi vào 'cuộc suy thoái kiểu 1929' nếu Harris thắng cử

Trump, commenting on the tax issue, noted that he wants to cut taxes and Kamala wants to raise them by letting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire if she is elected, warning, “I gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. If you let the Trump tax cuts expire, which she wants to do, she wants to terminate them.”

Not stopping there, he warned the crowd what the expiration of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would mean for ordinary people, noting that it would mean the various individual tax cuts in the TCJA would expire and mean higher taxes. He said, “If you do that, you will suffer the biggest tax increase in history. There’s never been a tax increase like it, on top of which she wants to add a lot of tax.”

Then, warning about where he sees such radical policies as massive tax hikes as leading, in his view, to a 1929-style Great Depression and utter economic destruction. He told the town hall audience, “This country will end up in a depression if she becomes president. Like 1929, this will be a 1929 depression. She has no idea what the hell she’s doing.”

Điều gì xảy ra khi nền kinh tế sụp đổ dưới thời Trump?

Returning to the issue of Kamala’s economic views, Trump said, “Her father’s a Marxist teacher of economics. Can you believe this?” Then, after hinting at her Marxist roots, he again spoke about the Great Depression issue, saying, “But if that happened, this country and I think forgetting about that … she’s got a lot of things that are just as bad. If she gets in, I think we will have a depression, 1929-style depression. That’s what I think will happen to our country already. They’ve set us on a path.”

Liệu Kamala Harris có thể đánh bại Donald Trump để vào Nhà Trắng không? – The Irish Times

Trump also, during the town hall, warned that Kamala is anti-fracking and said “there’s no chance” that she would allow it. Though Kamala has since changed her tune, in 2019, she said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking, so, yes. And starting — and starting with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands, right? … And to your point, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities.”


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